Directed by filmmaker and photographer Dikayl Rimmasch and soundtracked by an Ennio Morricone classic, “Bang Bang” is a trilogy of short films starring the couple that was shown during their two-and-a-half-month long tour.
In the black-and-white clip, the Carters play a modern day Bonnie and Clyde as they drive through the desert.
“In my first conversation on the telephone with Jay Z he explained his concept of On the Run,” Rimmasch told Nowness. “He said: ‘We’re not trying to do this literally, it’s not that we’re Bonnie and Clyde. We’re on the run from everything. On the run from becoming a cliché. On the run from doing the same thing again.”
“Bang Bang” is also being used in the trailer for their “On the Run” HBO special, which airs Saturday.
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